Comparison and Selection of Advanced Treatment Process for COD Removal from Reclaimed Water Plants with High Effluent Quality
China Water & Wastewater[ISSN:1000-4062/CN:12-1073/TU]
Date of publication:
- Keywords:
- font-size: 10pt; ">reclaimed water plants; high effluent quality; ozone catalytic oxidation; pulsed carbon adsorption tank; down- font-size: 10pt; ">flow carbon adsorption tank; activated coke adsorption bed
- Abstract:
The effluent of a reclaimed water plant in Beijing, with a design scale of 8 ×104 m3/d, implemented class A standard of Beijing local standard Discharge Standard of Water Pollutants for Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plants (DB 11/890-2012) (Beijing standard A). It was proposed to adopt multi-stage water inlet A2O+MBR process. Because it was difficult for the effluent COD to stably meet the requirements of the Beijing standard A(COD≤20 mg/L), advanced COD removal processing unit ought to be added. The theoretically feasible methods, such as the ozone catalytic oxidation, the pulsed carbon adsorption tank, the downflow carbon adsorption tank and the activated coke adsorption bed process, were compared in terms of land occupation, investment, operating cost and practical application of the process. The results showed that ozone catalytic oxidation covers the smallest area. The initial investment of the pulsed carbon adsorption tank and the downflow carbon adsorption tank was lower, and the operating cost of the activated coke adsorption bed and the down-flow carbon adsorption tank was lower. The ozone catalytic oxidation, the pulsed carbon adsorption tank, the active coke adsorption bed had practical application cases of the wastewater plant. Considering the above factors, it was concluded that the processes of pulsed carbon adsorption and activated coke adsorption were the better processes for COD removing advanced treatment at present.
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