WANGKai-chun,WANGLian-jie.Reflections on Flood Risk Assessment at the Entrances and Exits of Urban Rail Transit Stations[J].China Water & Wastewater,2025,41(6):34-40.
Reflections on Flood Risk Assessment at the Entrances and Exits of Urban Rail Transit Stations
China Water & Wastewater[ISSN:1000-4062/CN:12-1073/TU]
Date of publication:
- Abstract:
- In recent years, heavy rain during extreme weather events has frequently caused rainwater to pour from the entrances and exits of transit stations into underground rail systems. This not only seriously affects the operation of urban rail transit, but may also cause serious casualties and economic losses. In order to protect the urban rail transit systems from waterlogging, it is necessary to accurately predict the flood risks at the entrances and exits of urban rail transit stations under different rainfall conditions, and scientifically evaluate their ability to resist such risks. Taking the flood risk assessment at the entrance and exit of an urban rail transit station in Xiamen as an example, this paper adopts traditional hydrological analysis methods to conduct flood control risk assessments and uses an urban rain-flood model to evaluate flood control risks. By comparing the flood control evaluation results from the water conservancy department with the flood drainage evaluation results from the municipal department, this paper explores and analyzes the differences between urban flood control and flood drainage. The findings are expected to provide guidance for flood risk assessment of urban rail transit stations both domestically and internationally.
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