ZHANNan,HUANGJun-xiong,YULei,et al.Implementation Path and Effects of Beijing’s Sponge City Construction[J].China Water & Wastewater,2025,41(6):41-45.
Implementation Path and Effects of Beijing’s Sponge City Construction
China Water & Wastewater[ISSN:1000-4062/CN:12-1073/TU]
Date of publication:
- Keywords:
- sponge city; implementation path; construction effect
- Abstract:
- Since the concept of sponge city was first proposed in 2013, Beijing has been focusing on the strategic positioning of the capital city, adhering to the concept of “emission reduction at the source, process control, and systematic governance”. The city has gradually addressed infrastructure deficiencies, continuously improved mechanisms and systems, and strengthened the management and control of rainwater runoff. Driven by the pilot areas, Beijing’s sponge city has entered the phase of comprehensive systematization and refined management. As of December 2022, the area of Beijing built?up areas with an annual runoff control rate of over 70% has reached 444.39 km2, forming an overall patternof big and small sponges integration, with the permeable areas of green spaces, natural water bodies, and source permeable pavement, and green roof accounting for about 40%. The sponge city construction has achieved remarkable results in controlling rainfall runoff, alleviating waterlogging, and managing non-point source pollution during the flood season. These efforts have contributed to ensuring water safety in the capital, improving the water environment of rivers and lakes, and enhancing citizen satisfaction.
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