KOUDian-liang,BEI Hui-ting,LIUShao-qian,et al.Application of CAST and Deep Bed Denitrification Filter in Expansion of a WWTP with Limited Land Use[J].China Water & Wastewater,2025,41(6):89-94.
Application of CAST and Deep Bed Denitrification Filter in Expansion of a WWTP with Limited Land Use
China Water & Wastewater[ISSN:1000-4062/CN:12-1073/TU]
Date of publication:
- Abstract:
- The phase Ⅱ expansion capacity of a domestic wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) in Guangxi coastal area is 5×104 m3/d. After comparing the CAST, MBR, and RPIR processes with relatively small footprint due to land limitation, the combined CAST and deep bed denitrification filter process is finally selected. In view of the poor phosphorus removal effect of CAST process, a strengthened design was adopted. After the project was completed and operated, the effluent met the first level A standard. The operation of AAO oxidation ditch process in phase Ⅰ and the CAST process in phase Ⅱ are compared. The nitrogen removal effect of CAST process is better than that of AAO oxidation ditch process, but the phosphorus removal effect is worse than that of AAO oxidation ditch process, under the condition of lack of influent carbon source and no additional carbon source in the second stage. PAC and carbon source were added to the front end of the deep bed denitrification filter to enhance nitrogen and phosphorus removal. The monitoring result shows that combined CAST and deep bed denitrification filter process has stable effect in treating conventional domestic sewage, and it is still a good choice in the renovation and expansion of WWTP with limited land use.
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