KUANGKe,LIJie,XIAOXiang,et al.Emission Characteristics of Odorous Pollutants in Pumping Room of an Underground Water Purification Plant[J].China Water & Wastewater,2025,41(1):78-84.
KUANGKe,LIJie,XIAOXiang,et al.Emission Characteristics of Odorous Pollutants in Pumping Room of an Underground Water Purification Plant[J].China Water & Wastewater,2025,41(1):78-84.
- Title:
- Emission Characteristics of Odorous Pollutants in Pumping Room of an Underground Water Purification Plant
- Keywords:
- underground water purification plant; pumping room; odorous pollutants; CFD model; emission characteristics
- 摘要:
- 针对南方某地埋式净水厂提升泵间臭味污染物的排放特征进行了分析。结果表明,提升泵间检测到的臭味物质主要包括NH3、H2S、三甲胺、甲硫醇、甲硫醚等5种,平均浓度分别为1.56、18.70、0.058、0.041 6、0.145 mg/m3。计算得到提升泵间总臭味活性值为10 743.34,其中H2S臭味活性值为10 388.89,贡献率达96.70%,因此H2S是臭味的主要贡献者,为关键管控臭味物质。提升泵间的送、排风口交叉排列在空间顶部,计算流体力学(CFD)模拟结果表明,空间内气流和臭味污染物分布整体较为均匀,臭气收集效率较高。同时,进一步计算了H2S的产生通量和产生系数,分别为809.776 mg/(m2·h) 、19.301 mg/m3。该研究确定了提升泵间合理的送排风设计方式、臭味污染物产生量及重点管控物质,可为同类型净水厂提升泵间臭气污染防治工作提供指导。
- Abstract:
- The emission characteristics of odorous pollutants in the pumping room of an underground water purification plant in southern China were analyzed. The odorous substances detected in the pumping room mainly comprised NH3, H2S, trimethylamine, methanethiol, and methyl sulfide, with average concentrations of 1.56 mg/m3, 18.70 mg/m3, 0.058 mg/m3, 0.041 6 mg/m3 and 0.145 mg/m3 respectively. The calculated total odor activity value of the pumping room amounted to 10 743.34, among which the odor activity value of H2S was 10 388.89, with contributing rate of 96.70%. Thus, H2S was the primary contributor to the odor and the key substance for odor control. The air inlets and exhaust outlets of the pumping room were cross-arranged on the top of the space. The computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulation revealed that the distribution of air flow and odorous pollutants within the space was relatively uniform, and the odor collection efficiency was high. Meanwhile, the production flux and production coefficient of H2S were further computed, which were 809.776 mg/(m2·h) and 19.301 mg/m3 respectively. The research ascertained the rational air supply and exhaust design of the pumping room, the quantity of odorous pollutants generated and the key control substances, which could offer guidance for the prevention and control of odorous pollution in the pumping room of the same type of water purification plants.
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