HUANG Meng-bin,WANG Chang-ping,ZHANG Yi,et al.Design and Operation of Sludge Water Treatment System in Small and Medium Sized Waterworks[J].China Water & Wastewater,2018,34(22):104-107.
- Title:
- Design and Operation of Sludge Water Treatment System in Small and Medium Sized Waterworks
- 文章编号:
- 1000-4602(2018)22-0104-04
- Keywords:
- small and medium sized waterworks; sludge water; reduction; reuse
- 分类号:
- TU991
- 文献标志码:
- C
- 摘要:
- 深圳市上南水厂对排泥水进行了减量化处理,新建了调节池、污泥浓缩池、平衡池、污泥脱水设备、污泥料仓。工程投入运行后,脱水污泥含水率降至80.27%,排泥水回用可节水1 465 m3/d。实际运行发现,污泥处理效果受排泥水有机质含量和水量的变化影响很大,中小型水厂的排泥水处理系统设计与运行要充分考虑该特点。
- Abstract:
- New regulating tank, sludge concentration tank, balance tank, sludge dewatering equipment, and sludge sump were built and put into operation in Shangnan waterworks in Shenzhen. After dewatering, the moisture content of the sludge was decreased to 80.27%, and the reuse of water after desliming saved 1 465 m3/d of water resources. During actual operation, it was found that the effect of sludge treatment was greatly affected by the organic matter content and water quantity of the discharged sludge water, which should be taken into consideration for the design and operation of the sludge water treatment system for small and medium sized waterworks.
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作者简介:黄孟斌(1990- ), 男, 湖北咸宁人, 硕士, 工程师, 主要从事饮用水工艺管理和技术研究工作。