ZHANGPeng-xiang,TANJian-guo,JIANGBin,et al.Application of Composite Multi-stage AO, Ozonation/MBBR in a Quasi-category Ⅳ Mixed Wastewater Treatment Plant[J].China Water & Wastewater,2025,41(2):47-51.
- Title:
- Application of Composite Multi-stage AO, Ozonation/MBBR in a Quasi-category Ⅳ Mixed Wastewater Treatment Plant
- Keywords:
- multi-stage AO process; quasi-category Ⅳ standard of surfatce water; step-feed; mixed sewage; ozone; dyeing wastewater
- 摘要:
- 浙江省某污水处理厂一期工程处理规模为20×104 m3/d,进水中市政污水、工业废水各占50%左右,采用曝气沉砂池+复合型多级AO+高效沉淀池+臭氧接触MBBR+滤布滤池+次氯酸钠消毒工艺,其中复合型多级AO结合了多级AO和Bardenpho工艺特点。运行结果表明,当进水平均COD、TN、TP分别为366、34.7、6.25 mg/L时,处理出水相应指标分别降至19、7.5、0.13 mg/L,对应去除率分别为95%、78%、98%,出水水质达到浙江省《城镇污水处理厂主要水污染物排放标准》(DB 33/2169—2018)表2的准Ⅳ类要求。该工艺抗冲击能力强、出水稳定、处理效率高,可用于出水标准高尤其是需深度去除COD及TN的混合污水处理厂的设计。
- Abstract:
- The first phase of a sewage treatment plant in Zhejiang Province has a treatment capacity of 20×104 m3/d, municipal sewage and industrial wastewater each account for about 50% of the influent. The main treatment process adopts the “aerated grit chamber + composite multi-stage AO process + efficient sedimentation tank + ozonation/MBBR + cloth-media filtration + sodium hypochlorite disinfection”. The composite multi-stage AO combines the advantages of the multi?stage AO and Bardenpho process. The operating results show that when the average COD, TN and TP of the influent are 366 mg/L, 34.7 mg/L and 6.25 mg/L, the corresponding effluent concentrations are decreased to 19 mg/L, 7.5 mg/L and 0.13 mg/L, with removal rates of 95%, 78% and 98%, respectively. The effluent quality meets the quasi-category Ⅳ requirements in table 2 of the Discharge Standard for Major Pollutants for Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plant(DB 33/2169-2018) in Zhejiang Province. The process has strong impact resistance, stable effluent, and high treatment efficiency, making it suitable for the design of wastewater treatment plants with high effluent standards, especially those requiring deep removal of COD and TN for mixed sewage treatment.
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LIUZeng-jun,ZHANGKai-hai,SUNXu-ying,et al.Application of Multi-stage AO in the Treatment of Low Carbon and High Nitrogen Domestic Sewage with High Discharge Standard[J].China Water & Wastewater,2024,40(2):55.