LIANGShuo,YUNDan-dan,WANGYan-zhi,et al.Advanced Nitrogen Removal of Sulfur Autotrophic Denitrification Filter under Low Temperature in Winter: A Pilot?scale Study[J].China Water & Wastewater,2025,41(3):14-21.
- Title:
- Advanced Nitrogen Removal of Sulfur Autotrophic Denitrification Filter under Low Temperature in Winter: A Pilot?scale Study
- Keywords:
- sulfur autotrophic denitrification; heterotrophic denitrification; denitrification deep bed filter; secondary effluent from wastewater treatment plant; low temperature; microbial community
- 摘要:
- 硫自养反硝化(SAD)滤池作为异养反硝化(HD)滤池的替代工艺,在深度脱氮处理中备受关注。然而,SAD滤池现缺乏详实工程数据积累,导致工程设计参数缺乏和运行管理经验不足。在邯郸西污水处理厂开展了处理能力为1 000 m3/d的SAD滤池中试研究,考察了在最不利水温(15.1 ℃)及不同进水负荷下的脱氮效果,旨在评估SAD滤池对污水处理厂二级出水的脱氮性能。结果显示,SAD滤池出水NO3?-N浓度降至5 mg/L,总氮去除率达到80.7%,显示出优异的脱氮效果,且抗冲击能力较强。SAD滤池中优势菌种为Sulfurimonas和Thiobacillus,与HD滤池中优势菌种存在显著差异。经济性分析表明,SAD滤池相比HD滤池节省约37.9%的药剂费用。总之,SAD滤池在不增加占地的情况下,提供了一个高效、经济的污水深度脱氮解决方案。
- Abstract:
- Sulfur autotrophic denitrification (SAD) filters have attracted significant attention as an advanced nitrogen removal alternative to heterotrophic denitrification (HD) filters. However, the limited engineering data for SAD filters has led to a shortage of design parameters and insufficient operation and management experience. A SAD filter with a capacity of 1 000 m?/d was constructed at the Handan West Wastewater Treatment Plant. The nitrogen removal performance was evaluated under varying influent loads at a challenging temperature of 15.1 ℃ to assess the effectiveness of SAD for advanced nitrogen removal from secondary effluent. The results showed that the concentration of NO3--N in the effluent of SAD filter decreased to 5 mg/L, and the total nitrogen removal rate reached 80.7%. The SAD filter also demonstrated strong resistance to shocks. Microbial community analysis revealed that Sulfurimonas and Thiobacillus were the dominant species in the SAD filter, distinctly different from the microbial profile in the HD filter. Economically, the SAD filter reduced reagent costs by approximately 37.9% compared to the HD filter. Overall, the SAD filter offers an efficient, cost?effective solution for advanced nitrogen removal without requiring additional land area.
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GEDan-dan,LIUFeng,XUGuo-dong,et al.Synergistic Properties of Sulfur Autotrophic Enhanced PHBV Heterotrophic Denitrification for Nitrogen Removal[J].China Water & Wastewater,2023,39(3):16.
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