DONGZi-jun,HANMiao-miao,LIWei,et al.Effect of Cl- on Degradation of Organic Pollutants in Wastewater within HA/PMS System[J].China Water & Wastewater,2025,41(3):89-96.
DONGZi-jun,HANMiao-miao,LIWei,et al.Effect of Cl- on Degradation of Organic Pollutants in Wastewater within HA/PMS System[J].China Water & Wastewater,2025,41(3):89-96.
- Title:
- Effect of Cl- on Degradation of Organic Pollutants in Wastewater within HA/PMS System
- Keywords:
- chloride ion; hydroxylamine; persulfate; phenol; advanced oxidation
- 摘要:
- 沿海地区广泛存在的Cl-会在自由基作用下生成氯活性物质,进而影响废水中难降解有机物的去除效果。为探究Cl-对羟胺(HA)活化过硫酸盐(过一硫酸盐,PMS)高级氧化技术去除废水中难降解有机物的影响及产物生成规律,以苯酚为目标污染物,从初始pH、Cl-浓度、活性组分的鉴定以及反应过程中的毒性变化等角度展开研究。结果表明,pH为4时苯酚的降解速率最快,硝基酚和亚硝基酚分别在pH为6和4时产量最高,分别为4.96和13.84 μmol/L,产率分别为24.84%和69.19%。低浓度Cl-会对苯酚的降解产生轻微抑制作用,高浓度的Cl-则会产生促进作用,硝基酚与亚硝基酚的生成量随Cl-浓度的增加而升高。Cl-存在时,HA/PMS体系中存在羟基自由基(.OH)、硫酸根自由基(SO4.-)、氯活性物质(RCS)及氮活性物质(RNS),这些活性组分的存在对污染物的降解及其硝基与亚硝基产物的生成具有重要作用。费氏弧菌发光试验结果显示,体系中生成的物质整体具有较高的毒性,随着氧化过程的进行,HA/PMS体系会进一步降解废水中高毒性的产物。
- Abstract:
- Chlorine ions, which are prevalent in coastal regions, can generate chlorine active substances under the action of free radicals. This process may compromise the efficacy of refractory organic matter removal from wastewater. To investigate the impact of Cl- on the removal of phenol from wastewater using hydroxylamine (HA) activated persulfate (PMS) advanced oxidation technology and to elucidate the rules governing product formation, the experiments were carried out from multiple perspectives, including initial pH, Cl- concentration, identification of active species, and changes in toxicity during the reaction. The degradation rate of phenol was the highest at pH 4. The yields of nitrophenol and nitrosophenol peaked at pH 6 and pH 4, respectively, with concentrations of 4.96 μmol/L and 13.84 μmol/L, corresponding to yields of 24.84% and 69.19%, respectively. Low concentrations of Cl- exerted a slight inhibitory effect on phenol degradation, whereas high concentrations of Cl- enhanced the degradation process. The formation of nitrophenol and nitrosophenol increased in proportion to the rise in Cl- concentration. In the presence of Cl-, the HA/PMS system generated hydroxyl radicals (.OH), sulfate radicals (SO4.-), reactive chlorine species (RCS), and reactive nitrogen species (RNS). These reactive species played a crucial role in pollutant degradation and the formation of nitro-and nitroso-compounds. The results of the Vibrio fischeri luminescence assay indicated that the substances generated within the system exhibited significant toxicity overall. As the oxidation process advanced, the HA/PMS system progressively degraded the highly toxic compounds present in the wastewater.
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