CHENYan,HUANGJin,CAILi-jing.Quantitative Expression Method of Rainfall-Runoff and Design Rain Pattern for Initial Rainwater Interception[J].China Water & Wastewater,2025,41(4):49-53.
- Title:
- Quantitative Expression Method of Rainfall-Runoff and Design Rain Pattern for Initial Rainwater Interception
- Keywords:
- initial rainwater; rainfall event; design rain pattern; quantitative expression method; overflow pollution
- 摘要:
- 雨型研究是现代城市暴雨管理的基础,不同的雨型其径流计算结果不同,对初期雨水调蓄设施的设计和运行有较大影响。以上海市中心城区某合流制排水系统长系列降雨实测数据为基础,筛选了具有代表性的降雨过程作为设计雨型样本,提出了适用于上海市初期雨水截流的降雨-径流定量表达方法和短历时设计雨型,有助于确定调蓄设施的入流量和调蓄容积,对截流调蓄设施的设计和调控运行具有重要的参考价值。
- Abstract:
- The study of rain patterns is the basis of modern urban storm management. Different rain patterns have different runoff calculation results, which have a great impact on the design and operation of initial rainwater storage facilities. Based on extensive rainfall data measured in a combined drainage system in Shanghai downtown area, a representative rainfall process was selected as the design rain pattern sample. A quantitative expression method of rainfall-runoff and a short-duration design rain pattern suitable for initial rainwater interception in Shanghai were proposed. These methods are helpful to determine the inflow and regulation volume of rainwater storage facilities, and provide important reference values for the design, regulation, and operation of such facilities.
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