QIAOXiao-juan,WANGYin,FUYi-kai,et al.Process Design and Operation Analysis of the Upgrading and Renovation of a WWTP[J].China Water & Wastewater,2025,41(4):113-118.
- Title:
- Process Design and Operation Analysis of the Upgrading and Renovation of a WWTP
- 摘要:
- 四川省某污水处理厂处理规模为5×104 m3/d,2018年实施了提标扩建工程,处理规模增至10×104 m3/d,出水水质由《城镇污水处理厂污染物排放标准》(GB 18918—2002)的一级B标准提高至《四川省岷江、沱江流域水污染物排放标准》(DB 51/2311—2016)。该厂提标扩建后工艺流程复杂、自动化控制水平低,两年后反硝化生物滤池、MBR膜池均出现异常,2021年初采取一系列措施实现了反硝化生物滤池、MBR膜池的正常运行。对该污水处理厂的改造方案、运行参数及恢复措施进行深度剖析,认为:CN滤池对污水中碳源利用率低;DN滤池出水与A/A/O出水混合后进入MBR膜池处理的工艺方案经济性差;完善的自控清洗系统对DN滤池、MBR膜池特别重要。
- Abstract:
- A wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) in Sichuan Province was upgraded and expanded in 2018 to increase the capacity from 5×104 m3/d to 10×104 m3/d. The effluent quality has been improved from the first level B criteria in Discharge Standard of Pollutants for Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plant (GB 18918-2002) to the local Discharge Standard of Water Pollutants in Minjiang and Tuojiang River Basin (DB 51/2311-2016). The upgraded and expanded WWTP has complex process and low automatic control level. After two years of operation, the denitrifying biofilter and MBR membrane tank are abnormal. In early 2021, a series of measures were taken to realize the normal operation of the denitrifying biofilter and MBR membrane tank. After in-depth analysis of the renovation scheme, operation parameters and restoration measures of the WWTP, it is concluded that CN filter has low utilization rate of carbon source in sewage; the economic efficiency of mixing DN filter effluent with A/A/O effluent into MBR membrane tank is poor. Perfect automatic cleaning system is of great importance to DN filter and MBR membrane tank.
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