ZHOUYang-yang,CHENQian,RANZong-xin,et al.Application of Granulated Fluidized Bed System in the Treatment of Membrane Concentrated Wastewater in Petrochemical Enterprises[J].China Water & Wastewater,2025,41(4):126-130.
ZHOUYang-yang,CHENQian,RANZong-xin,et al.Application of Granulated Fluidized Bed System in the Treatment of Membrane Concentrated Wastewater in Petrochemical Enterprises[J].China Water & Wastewater,2025,41(4):126-130.
- Title:
- Application of Granulated Fluidized Bed System in the Treatment of Membrane Concentrated Wastewater in Petrochemical Enterprises
- Keywords:
- membrane concentrated wastewater; reverse osmosis concentrated salt water; chemical crystallization; agglomeration and granulation; hardness removal; turbidity removal
- 摘要:
- 石化企业循环冷却系统是生产中主要耗水单元,循环系统排污水通常使用膜浓缩单元进行处理,处理中所产生的膜浓缩废水因其水质的复杂性成为该领域的研究热点。采用以化学结晶循环造粒流化床和循环结团造粒固液分离流化床为主要处理单元的造粒流化床系统对江苏某石化园区膜浓缩废水进行软化、除浊预处理,系统运行效果表明,对水中硬度去除率可稳定达到92%,出水浊度可持续稳定在3 NTU以下,其中化学结晶循环造粒流化床系统处理负荷可达到60~100 m3/(m2·h),直径为2 400 mm的单体设备最大处理水量可达到452 m3/h。与改造前的机械搅拌澄清池处理工艺相比,该系统具有处理效率高、处理成本低、占地面积小、系统自动化程度高以及一次性投资小等优点。
- Abstract:
- The circulating cooling system is the main water-consuming unit in petrochemical enterprises production, and its effluent is usually treated by a membrane concentration unit, whose wastewater has become a hot research topic due to the complexity of its quality content. The membrane concentration wastewater in a petrochemical park in Jiangsu Province was softened and removed for turbidity by a granulated fluidized bed system using fluidized beds for chemical crystallization circulating granulation and circulating agglomeration granulation solid-liquid separation as the main treatment units. The system operation effect shows that the hardness removal rate can stably reach 92%, and the effluent turbidity can be continuously stabilized below 3 NTU. The chemical crystallization circulating granulation fluidized bed system can achieve a treatment load of 60-100 m3/(m2·h), and the maximum wastewater treatment capacity of a single device with a diameter of 2 400 mm can reach 452 m3/h. Compared with the mechanical agitation clarification tank treatment process before modification, this system has the advantages of high treatment efficiency, low treatment cost, small footprint, high degree of system automation, and low one-time investment.
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