NIYu-ling,TIANShi-qi,WANGYu,et al.Research Progress of Fluoride Removal from Water via Induced Crystallization[J].China Water & Wastewater,2025,41(6):9-18.
NIYu-ling,TIANShi-qi,WANGYu,et al.Research Progress of Fluoride Removal from Water via Induced Crystallization[J].China Water & Wastewater,2025,41(6):9-18.
- Title:
- Research Progress of Fluoride Removal from Water via Induced Crystallization
- Keywords:
- fluoride; induced crystallization; crystallization principle; influencing factor; fluidized bed reactor
- 摘要:
- 水环境中氟长期超标会对人体健康构成严重威胁,因此近年来除氟技术得到广泛研究。总结了目前几种主要除氟技术的优缺点,其中诱导结晶法运维成本低,适应宽泛的氟化物浓度,成为除氟技术的热点。诱导结晶法通过人工投加适当晶种来加速结晶过程,采用的主要晶种包括天然矿物晶种(如萤石、氟磷灰石、石英砂、方解石等),以及一些通过人工合成或微生物生成的晶种,但后两者在实际工程中并不常用。在该方法中,晶种结晶生长过程十分复杂,但大多符合两步增长模型,即先进行分子扩散,而后分子进入晶格。重点综述了诱导结晶除氟技术的原理、影响因素,以及诱导结晶反应器尤其是流化床的发展,并展望了诱导结晶除氟技术的未来发展方向。
- Abstract:
- The long-term presence of excess fluoride in the water environment poses a serious threat to human health, which has made fluoride removal technology a subject of widespread concern in recent years. This article summarizes the advantages and disadvantages of several major defluorination technologies. Among them, the induced crystallization method has become a research hotspot due to its advantages of low operating costs and suitability for treating raw water with a wide range of fluoride concentrations. The induced crystallization method accelerates the crystallization by manually adding appropriate seeds to remove fluoride. The induced crystallization method mainly uses natural mineral seeds such as fluorite, fluorapatite, quartz sand, and calcite. There are also some seeds that can be produced by artificial synthesis or microorganisms, but there have not yet been applied in practical engineering. In this process, the seed crystal growth process is very complicated, but it mostly conforms to the two-step growth model, which involves molecular diffusion first and then molecules entering the latticle. The principle, selection of seed crystals, influencing factors of induced crystallization defluorination technology were summarized in detail. The development of the induced crystallization defluorination reactors was also introduced, especially fluidized bed reactor has enabled the practical application of the induced crystallization method. Finally, the future delevopment direction of induced crystallization defluorination technology is proposed.
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