KOUDian-liang,BEI Hui-ting,LIUShao-qian,et al.Application of CAST and Deep Bed Denitrification Filter in Expansion of a WWTP with Limited Land Use[J].China Water & Wastewater,2025,41(6):89-94.
- Title:
- Application of CAST and Deep Bed Denitrification Filter in Expansion of a WWTP with Limited Land Use
- 摘要:
- 广西沿海某生活污水处理厂二期扩建规模为5×104 m3/d,因用地受限,故对占地相对较小的CAST、MBR、RPIR工艺进行比选,最终选择CAST+深床反硝化滤池工艺组合。针对CAST工艺除磷效果差的问题,采取了强化设计。该项目建成运营后,出水水质稳定达到一级A标准。对一期AAO氧化沟工艺和二期CAST工艺的运营情况进行了对比,在进水碳源缺乏、二级工艺不另投加碳源的条件下,CAST工艺脱氮效果比AAO氧化沟工艺好,但除磷效果比AAO氧化沟工艺差。在深床反硝化滤池的前端投加PAC和碳源强化脱氮除磷,监测结果表明,CAST+深床反硝化滤池工艺用于处理常规生活污水效果稳定,对于用地受限的污水处理厂改扩建仍是不错的工艺选择。
- Abstract:
- The phase Ⅱ expansion capacity of a domestic wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) in Guangxi coastal area is 5×104 m3/d. After comparing the CAST, MBR, and RPIR processes with relatively small footprint due to land limitation, the combined CAST and deep bed denitrification filter process is finally selected. In view of the poor phosphorus removal effect of CAST process, a strengthened design was adopted. After the project was completed and operated, the effluent met the first level A standard. The operation of AAO oxidation ditch process in phase Ⅰ and the CAST process in phase Ⅱ are compared. The nitrogen removal effect of CAST process is better than that of AAO oxidation ditch process, but the phosphorus removal effect is worse than that of AAO oxidation ditch process, under the condition of lack of influent carbon source and no additional carbon source in the second stage. PAC and carbon source were added to the front end of the deep bed denitrification filter to enhance nitrogen and phosphorus removal. The monitoring result shows that combined CAST and deep bed denitrification filter process has stable effect in treating conventional domestic sewage, and it is still a good choice in the renovation and expansion of WWTP with limited land use.
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ZHUXiao-chao,FENGYa-bing,TAOHui,et al.Design of CAST Enhanced Denitrification and Phosphorus Removal Upgrading and Reconstruction Project in a Wastewater Treatment Plant[J].China Water & Wastewater,2023,39(6):58.
NIUZi-fan,FUHui-jun,ZHAOHe-ping.Application Potential Analysis of MBfR in Advanced Nitrogen Removal of Wastewater Based on Life Cycle Assessment[J].China Water & Wastewater,2023,39(6):88.