WANG Wen huai,WANG Yi,WEI Cun zhi,et al.Effect of Enhanced Spirogyra Floating Bed on Purification of Landscape Water Supplied with Reclaimed Water[J].China Water & Wastewater,2018,34(21):59-63.
- Title:
- Effect of Enhanced Spirogyra Floating Bed on Purification of Landscape Water Supplied with Reclaimed Water
- 文章编号:
- 1000-4602(2018)21-0059-05
- Keywords:
- landscape water; reclaimed water; enhanced Spirogyra floating bed; intermediate low temperature; purification
- 分类号:
- YU992.3
- 文献标志码:
- C
- 摘要:
- 在补充再生水的模拟景观水体中采用黄菖蒲生物浮床,并引入网箱种植的水绵构建水绵强化浮床,从而探讨中低温条件下水绵强化浮床对再生水补给的城市景观水体水质的净化效果。试验结果表明,水绵对铜绿微囊藻的生长具有明显的抑制作用,水绵强化浮床可以控制再生水补给的景观水体中的藻密度和叶绿素a(Chl-a)浓度,其在中低温连续运行60 d过程中,水绵强化浮床水体的藻密度和Chl-a浓度均值分别为1.57×104个/mL和5.59 μg/L,为浮床水体对应值的34.28%和54.54%,为空白水体对应值的4.89%和14.44%。同时,水绵强化浮床对再生水补给的模拟景观水体中的氮和磷具有较好的去除效果,在TN、NH+4-N和NO-3-N的本底浓度分别为7.52、1.71、5.53 mg/L条件下,运行60 d后其对应的浓度分别降低至0.20、0.08、0.06 mg/L;当TP和PO3-4-P的本底浓度分别为0.75、0.70 mg/L时,运行60 d后其对应的浓度分别降低至0.01 mg/L和检测限以下。因此,水绵强化浮床对再生水补给的景观水体中低温阶段的水质净化及藻类控制效果明显,可有效控制该类水体的富营养化,是一种高效的景观水体水质控制方法。
- Abstract:
- A floating bed system vegetated with calamus was built in a simulated landscape water supplied with reclaimed water, and an enhanced floating bed system with Spirogyra planted in a cage was established to explore its purification effect on the simulated urban landscape water under intermediatelow temperature. The results indicated that Spirogyra had obvious inhibitory effect on growth of Microcystis aeruginosa and the enhanced floating bed could reduce algae density and chlorophylla (Chl-a) concentration of simulated urban landscape water. During 60 days of continuous operation under intermediate low temperature, the average values of algae density and Chl a concentration in the enhanced floating bed water were 1.57×104 cells/mL and 5.59 μg/L, which were 34.28% and 54.54% of the corresponding values in the floating bed water, and 4.89% and 14.44% of that in the controlling water. On the other hand, the enhanced Spirogyra floating bed had a high removal efficiency of nitrogen and phosphorus in the simulated urban landscape water. The concentrations of TN, NH+4-N and NO-3-N were reduced to 0.20 mg/L, 0.08 mg/L and 0.06 mg/L after 60 days of operation when the corresponding background concentrations were 7.52 mg/L, 1.71 mg/L and 5.53 mg/L, respectively. Meanwhile, the concentrations of TP and PO3-4-P were reduced to 0.01 mg/L and below the detection limit after 60 days of operation when the corresponding background concentrations were 0.75 mg/L and 0.70 mg/L. In a word, the enhanced Spirogyra floating bed could effectively improve the water quality and inhibit algae growth of urban landscape water supplied with reclaimed water. Thus, the enhanced Spirogyra floating bed is an efficient method of controlling the landscape water quality, which can effectively prevent eutrophication of the urban landscape water.
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王文怀(1994- ),男,陕西渭南人,硕士,研究方向为景观水体修复技术。