GULing-yan,HUANGWen-zhang,WANGWei-kang,et al.Comparison on the Simultaneous Biological Nitrogen and Phosphorus Removal Performance between Pilot-scale Plant with AOA Process and Full-scale Plant with Mult-stage AO Process[J].China Water & Wastewater,2024,40(7):1-5.
GULing-yan,HUANGWen-zhang,WANGWei-kang,et al.Comparison on the Simultaneous Biological Nitrogen and Phosphorus Removal Performance between Pilot-scale Plant with AOA Process and Full-scale Plant with Mult-stage AO Process[J].China Water & Wastewater,2024,40(7):1-5.
- Title:
- Comparison on the Simultaneous Biological Nitrogen and Phosphorus Removal Performance between Pilot-scale Plant with AOA Process and Full-scale Plant with Mult-stage AO Process
- Keywords:
- AOA process; multi-stage AO process; ultimate denitrification; simultaneous biological nitrogen and phosphorus removal
- 摘要:
- 在深圳市福田水质净化厂构建了规模为100 m3/d的AOA工艺中试系统,详细分析了运行约6个月的生物脱氮除磷效果,并与采用多段AO工艺的该厂一期工程进行对比。结果显示,中试系统出水总氮浓度可稳定低于2 mg/L,硝酸盐氮几乎被完全脱除。相对于福田水质净化厂一期工程出水硝酸盐氮浓度约为6~8 mg/L,在总氮中的占比达80%~90%,该工艺显示出了极限脱氮能力。另外,中试在未投加除磷药剂和未配置深度处理设施的情况下,还实现了较好的生物除磷效果,出水总磷浓度稳定在0.3 mg/L以下。相对于多段AO工艺,在相同进水水质和温度条件下AOA工艺实现了优异的同步脱氮除磷效果。该中试为AOA工艺的工程化应用提供了坚实的数据支撑。
- Abstract:
- A pilot system of anaerobic/oxic/anoxic (AOA) process with a treatment capacity of 100 m3/d was constructed and operated for 6 months in Futian Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) in Shenzhen. The biological nitrogen and phosphorus removal efficiency was analyzed, and compared with the first phase project of the Futian WWTP that used multi-stage AO process. The effluent total nitrogen (TN) of pilot plant was as low as 2 mg/L, and nitrate (NO3--N) was almost completely removed. Comparatively, the NO3--N reached 6-8 mg/L, accounted for 80%-90% of the TN in effluent of the full-scale plant. Besides, the pilot plant achieved high biological phosphorus removal performance with the TP concentration less than 0.3 mg/L in the effluent, without any chemical agent and advanced treatment facility. With the same influent and temperature, higher TN and TP removal performance of the AOA process was achieved than the multi-stage AO process. This pilot plant provides data support for the engineering application of AOA process.
HANXiao-bo,ZOUTing,WANGWei-kang,et al.Pilot Test of AOA Coupled MBBR Process Based on In-situ Capacity Expansion and Transformation[J].China Water & Wastewater,2025,41(7):1.
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